Recreation Park Warredal

Staying overnight at Warredal

Discover our accommodations

Tired of online accessibility for a while and want to find peace again? With our back-to-nature principle, you connect with nature and each other and not with the digital world. Our Cosy Cabins in the middle of the Limburg woods are unique nature cottages where you can completely recharge your batteries. Your pet is also welcome here, as is your horse. For those who like to discover beautiful walks with their horse, we have a cosy stable. Lovers of luxury will find what they are looking for in the Lodge.


Make your childhood dreams come true with a stay in one of our Cosy Houses. In these enchanting cottages, you will find complete relaxation among the treetops of Limburg. Because just like our Cosy Cabins, these magical houses are located on the edge of the Hoge Kempen and Bergerven National Parks.

In these cosy tiny houses you go completely back to basics. Don't expect wifi, because there is none. Here you connect with nature and with each other. The cabins are spread across the domain, so you can fully enjoy the peace and nature. Here you feel at one with nature, of being offline for a while, away from the hustle and bustle.